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My Favorite
Japanese Benifuki Black

Japanese Benifuki Black

In stock: 215
Caffeine Level (mg/1g)

Japanese Benifuki is a rare and delicious tea grown in Miyazaki prefecture on the southern island of Kyushu. Japan is famously known for their distinctive and fine green teas, yet their limited black tea varietals are just as unique and exquisite.

Interestingly enough, Benifuki is a tea cultivar that was developed for producing black tea, but after the discovery of its high content of polyphenols, no Benifuki is more often used to make Sencha green teas for medicinal purposes (treating certain types of allergic conditions)!

Once steeped, Japanese Benifuki produces a warm and deep copper color, with a light to medium body. Our Japanese Benifuki is floral, refreshing, and is balanced in sweetness. Try our rare Japanese Benifuki tea to discover love at the first sip!

How to make
a perfect cup of tea
1 TSP or 1 BAG
2 - 3 min
Black tea
Anna Shraga
January 2025
Incredible, sophisticated fragrance, unlike any black tea I ever had. I haven't been a big black tea drinker but this one made me want to explore - I want to find others like this!
Sascha Uncia
May 2024
Good tea, very mellow with little astringency and nearly no bitterness. Malty and a little fruity while still remaining light. There is a touch of the sweet potato character I associate with golden monkey, which isn't my favourite, but it stays in the background. Overall a great quality tea, though personally I find I preferred the less expensive Wakoucha Japanese Black.

4.5/5 accounting for sweet potato bias

October 2022
Now this is something! I was stocking up for winter with some black teas and thought I will try something new so did go through Tealyra's offer. As a not really black tea drinker I usually go for Keemun for it's woody and slightly nutty taste so description of this tea sounded good to me. To my surprise I like it much more than I expected perhaps mainly for it's smooth mouthfeel with 0 bitterness or dryness which I tend to not like on black teas. Also making 4 infusion out of it and it was still full of flavor, rich in color and didn't have a hint of that blunt aftertaste over-infused tea tends to let you know ''hey, that's enough''. Loving the floral taste too. Highly recommending this to anyone loving delicacy in their tea and smoothness without even thinking to add milk :)
Michelle Ivey
February 2022
While in Japan, I never experienced a black tea, and feel I missed out. This is a wonder black tea, and I am so glad you made it available. This is a superior black tea.
See all 5 reviews