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Mein Favorit
pu'erh tea

2009er Menghai 1. Klasse Reifer Pu'erh

Auf Lager: 461
36.67 DKK
36.67 DKK
Koffeinspiegel (mg/1g)

Schöner, loser, reifer Pu'erh. Geerntet und produziert von der berühmten Menghai Teefabrik in der Provinz Yunnan im Südwesten Chinas. Reich an erdigen Aromen, produziert diese Pu'erh eine dicke, tief-kastanienbraune Tasse, die wunderbar klar, und oh so weich und mild im Geschmack ist. Erdig, rauchig, süß und weich

Wie man eine perfekte
Tasse Tee zubereitet
1 TSP oder 1 BEUTEL
1.5 - 3 min
Pu'Er Tee
Anna Holben
April 2024
[EN] I am on a quest for heavy caffinated tea. I love tea, but only educated myself to herbal concoctions. Since finding tealyra, I had no idea of the extent of teas. I tried a couple Pu'erh and really liked the earthy taste of this 2009 Menghai 1st Grade. I am purchasing it again and probably will continue because I love change. Thank you tealyra for the many options!
November 2023
[EN] If there was a truth in advertising award (is there?) this would win. It's exactly as described. Subtly sweat with a hint of earthiness and smokiness, like a forest after a light rain. Really delicious, especially for the price point. If you're looking for a funky weird Puerh, this isn't it. This makes an accessible, great for everyday consumption, cup of comfort tea.
Eric Maxfield
Juli 2021
[EN] This is my first experience with Pu'Erh and got it on sale based on other reviews. I was not sure what to expect. It has a mildly pungent aroma that I could describe as "earthy" if generous and possibly "fishy" if not. Taking courage, I brewed it up western style with 2 min steeping and was pleasantly surprised at the mildness and there is definitely some interesting flavours going on including berries. Will have to return for second steeping to see how it develops but I kind of like it so far. For the price I guess its a good value introduction to Pu'Erh, but I am not sure I could justify the price of this if it wasn't on sale. Some of the premium varieties get pretty pricey.
John Cooper
März 2021
[EN] I really like this tea, it’s sweet, smoky, and has great overall taste. This has become my daily go to tea. I’ve ordered several bags and haven’t been disappointed. The price is very fair.
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