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My Favorite
easyTEA Infuser

easyTEA Infuser

In stock: 626

Our easyTEA Infuser is designed for daily use. We created a stainless steel strainer that is the answer to all your steeping needs! Designed to fit most cups and teapots, though large enough to allow your leaves to expand and flow freely- maximizing their flavor and benefits. easyTEA Infuser features extra-fine holes specifically designed to keep any type of tea leaves inside your strainer and out of your cup or teapot.

Design features:

- Stainless steel
- Size: D6cm x H7cm

Samantha Jack
June 2024
I love this filter. Fits perfectly inside a mug size cup. Makes it so much easier to make a cup of loose leaf tea.
Dee King
April 2021
Update 2021. I have continued to use this infuser several times a day for the past 3 years. It's fabulous, clearly well-made and so versatile. I hope it will be in stock soon so I can buy for a friend.
Jacqueline Nokes
June 2018
Great design, quality product that is used multiple times a day in our house. We've had ours for several years and it's still going strong.
Dee King
January 2018
This is the best infuser I have ever come across and I have used it on a daily basis for the past 2 years. It is large enough to allow the leaves to infuse properly and its' size works perfectly in either a teapot or mug. The mesh is excellent at trapping small leaves. Great quality. Very well-priced, although the P&P seemed rather high for such a small item, so if you can purchase in-store you will get a really good deal.
See all 11 reviews