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Mon Préféré
Gen Mai Matcha

Gen Mai Matcha

En stock: 273
55.00 SEK
55.00 SEK
Niveau de caféine (mg/1g)

Notre Gen Mai Matcha est un mélange de nos thés verts Gen Mai Cha et matcha ! Il est élaboré avec du Gen Mai Cha japonais de qualité supérieure, toujours fabriqué à base de riz complet grillé, qui offre une saveur plus sucrée et plus riche ; Les variétés plus économiques seront élaborées avec du riz blanc grillé. Ce thé aromatique mélangé rassemble la légèreté rafraîchissante et le goût sucré et distinctif du riz grillé et du matcha corsé ! Le résultat est une saveur de thé vert vivifiante, très herbeuse, au goût de riz grillé.

Le Gen Mai Matcha est idéal pour ceux qui apprécient un goût de thé corsé, une haute teneur en antioxydants et un coup de boost caféiné ! 

Comment faire
une tasse de thé parfaite
1-1.5 CAC ou 1 SACHET
1.5 - 2 min
Thé vert, riz brun torréfié, poudre de matcha
Mike Brady
Mai 2023
[EN] This stuff is really good! I am keeping this tea as a main staple for myself. The aroma is so good, and the flavor and taste; delicious.
Février 2023
[EN] I forgot that THIS is the color of what matcha SHOULD look like!  It's such a bright green!  I really needed a matcha genmaicha in my tea collection again, as I really love the combination of the two -- better together for a super power amount of flavor in one mug.  The toasty goodness of genmaicha wisping around with matcha in the mug.  So good.  I used a teaspoon and a half for a big mug, which might have even been a little too much.  Maybe one teaspoon is enough. I'm glad I have this in the cupboard and was hoping Tealyra's version would be good -- it is!
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug // 33 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 //  30 minutes after boiling // 2 min steep
Carla Figueiredo
Septembre 2022
[EN] woww....just.....amazing...original... tastes amazing!
after many years, finally found out a good company to buy such amazing teas...
T Nelson
Avril 2021
[EN] Initially from Japan, I missed tea that resembles the ones I used to till I met this tea. It's been 40 years here, but finally, my heart can settle with this. I wasn't quite sure about containing matcha powder, but it's just the right amount. Moreover, the roasted rice gives much depth to its flavor. I am confident to share this Match Genmai Cha with my friends who know the best.
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